Video Conferencing Setup Requirements: Your Checklist for Hardware and  Software - Lifesize

Set the time restriction for the online meeting to the greatest feasible level in order to make it last as long as possible. Keep your presentation to less than half of the maximum time permitted for the video conference so that you have time to deal with any technical issues or difficulties that may develop during the meeting. Set a certain presentation order and stick to it like glue to protect the audience from becoming overloaded. Consequently, cacophony is substantially more difficult to deal with when participating via videoconferencing than in a real-world meeting. At the beginning of your meeting, you should introduce this structure.

  • Create a set of ground rules for how the online meeting will be run and stick to them.
  • The first few minutes of your telecommuting session should be dedicated to establishing the rules of participation.
  • To help you get started, we’ve rounded together some of the best practices for doing remote meetings:

Why Individuals who do not own a chopper may benefit from micro-cutting

In order to speak, people should choose the “raise your hand” option and wait for the time to do so. Only utilise chat if it is absolutely necessary.

A toolkit for managing projects

  • Next, there are three key duties that must be completed after the conference.
  • Prepare a summary of the meeting’s proceedings.
  • There’s no need to stress the importance of taking notes after every meeting.

Who was there, what was discussed, and what choices were made, as well as the impact of those discussions and decisions on future work, should all be kept in mind while answering the following questions:

  • “Minutes of the meeting,” as they are known in project management, are essential since they allow for project monitoring and reporting.
  • All stakeholders should get a copy of the document after it has been completed.
  • This will be very helpful in preparing for the next meeting, and it may also serve as a reminder for those that attend.

Make a request for a post-event debriefing meeting

To hear other people’s perspectives is always fascinating. Regardless matter whether we are the facilitator or a participant, we cannot perceive the meeting in the same light. There comes the virtual meetings with all the supports.

As a result of the option to ask for a debrief from your teams, you will be able to learn more about what you’re doing well and what you can improve on, as well as how to better present your work to the audience.

Request feedback on the tools used without fear of being ridiculed. Your team may not be a good match for certain players, despite how good they seem on paper.

Help with follow-up

Working remotely, it’s hard to judge whether the meeting was worthwhile. It’s interesting in this case to create a tracking system for the progress of the work being done.

  • After a meeting, you may utilize to follow up with attendees.
  • A web-based program shows progress updates on tasks in a tabular style.
  • Work hubs and direct communication between managers and employees may be achieved via the use of online technologies.


A weekly conference call to discuss what is working and what isn’t, to clarify problems, and to devise solutions that are both shared and tailored to each person.Due to the employee’s increased freedom, this monitoring is all the more important. Rather than enforcing rules, the goal is to accompany and provide assistance as needed. This shows yet again how important it is to utilise the right digital resources. This article will teach you how to succeed in a face-to-face meeting.

By Linda

Linda Green: Linda, a tech educator, offers resources for learning coding, app development, and other tech skills.